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You will not accept anything but the best when it comes to tips about whitening of the teeth. You want to make sure that you are going about it in a safe and effective manner. Read this article if you want to know the best advice on how to keep your teeth white.

Using a home whitening remedy may not be the best idea when trying to whiten your teeth. If you are thinking about using home products, such as lemon, ash, or baking soda, you may want to reconsider. Using these home remedies can damage your teeth in the long run.

Save your orange peel and have a whitening teeth session. The inside of the orange peel has citric acid and can help to remove stains and whiten teeth. Either rub it directly on your teeth or get some dried peel, organically grown and some ground up bay leaves to create a paste that you can brush on. Remember to brush after your session to remove any acid that may harm the enamel over time.


If you have a large number of enhancements on your teeth, such as crowns, veneers, implants, and fillings, tooth whitening procedures are probably not a good idea. This is because the chemicals used to whiten your teeth will only work on the natural tooth surface, and you'll be left with a patchwork effect.

To keep water from staining your teeth, avoid fluoride. While fluoride can be good for your teeth's overall health, many people have reported that it leaves their teeth discolored. If there's fluoride in the tap water in your home, try installing a water purifier to minimize its effects on your teeth.

Brush your teeth with baking soda. To whiten your teeth naturally, baking soda works wonders. When using baking soda to brush your teeth, be gentle in order to avoid gum irritation.

When using over-the-counter whitening of the teeth products it is important to read and follow the directions very carefully. Don't leave the strips or gel on longer than the instructions dictate, as this could lead to sores and problems in your mouth. Avoid drinking or eating acidic foods or beverages for a couple of hours after treatment.

One of the easiest things that you can do in order to get whiter teeth is by visiting you dentist on a regular basis. Through dental cleaning, plaque and stains are removed. Another advantage of visiting the dentist is that you will be able to discuss the latest whitening teeth options that would work best for you.

After having a teeth whitening treatment, you should always remember to drink only clear liquids for the first three or four days; this is very important. During this time period, your teeth can absorb all sorts of colors, including the colors of fruits, as well as the dark color of coffee and tea.

One of the fastest ways to get pearly white teeth is by using an electric toothbrush. These toothbrushes are highly recommended by many dentists because they eliminate more plaque than regular toothbrushes. Other benefits of using an electric toothbrush include better protection from cavities and gingivitis.

If you are experiencing pain or irritation with your whitening teeth program, stop immediately. You can increase your sensitivity and cause inflammation by using whitening products. If you have these conditions, stop whitening your teeth until you can talk to your dentist about products that might work better for you, or getting a procedure done to give you the results you are looking for.

To make your teeth look their best after a bleaching session, be sure to focus on your gums. Red or irritated gums will distract from your teeth, and may make them look less healthy than they actually are. Try using a gum massager before you have your teeth whitened. It'll make sure part of your smile looks great.

Eat more strawberries. Strawberries are great for whitening your teeth. You can ever go so far as to mash them up into a paste. You can use this paste to whiten your teeth. Apply the paste to your teeth and leave it there for about five minutes before rinsing out your mouth.

Use the peel off an orange to whiten your teeth. You can rub an orange peel on your teeth to make them whiter. Alternatively, you can even grind up some of the orange peel. Combine this with bay leaves and form it into a paste. Brush this paste onto your teeth then rinse.

Teeth that were recently whitened will absorb color from foods very easily. You want to try not to eat or drink a lot of things with strong colors like juices and sodas for a little while after having your teeth whitened. Or you may find that instead of pearly white teeth, you now have blood red teeth.

One of the keys to getting whiter teeth naturally is by cutting down on the amount of coffee you drink. This may be very hard for some people, but coffee is a major cause of tooth discoloration and if you drink it often you are adding to the problem. Treat yourself to a steaming cup of hot chocolate instead.

Believe it or not, you can use sage to get your teeth whiter. Not only is this safe because you are using a natural product, but it has been proven to be very effective. All you have to do is buy sage leaves and rub them in a circular motion onto your teeth.

If you are using a whitening tray to make your teeth whiter, make sure that the tray fits your mouth perfectly. If not, it could make the treatment ineffective or badly irritate your gums. If this were to happen to you, be sure that you visit your dentist as soon as possible.

One cheap and easy method to whiten your teeth is to use the peel of a citrus fruit like oranges, lemons, and limes. Remove the peel from the fruit, and add some salt to the white part on the underside of the peel. Rub this on your teeth before brushing to whiten your teeth!


Mix lemon juice with salt and apply it to your teeth. Allow it to sit for 5-10 minutes before rinsing your mouth out. It may also be a good idea to brush after you are finished to remove all of the residue from your teeth. This concoction is a home remedy that many people claim will lead to a whiter smile.

Having a whiter smile could make someone happier, as stated earlier in the article. Know that your teeth are white, be confident and smile often. You have an amazing time ahead now that you have read the above tips.